If you use proper tools for your work, not only will you make things easier for yourself, but you will also step it up on the quality level. However, just because you can do something doesn’t mean it is the best way to do it – and that applies to web development as well. In fact, if you have a simple text editor, you are good to go.
Atom github download javascript css html code#
Editing HTML and CSS code can be done without any specific tools. JS Beautify, CSScomb, Prettier, Pretty Diff, SassConvert
See all supported options in the documentation at docs/options.md.
Atom github download javascript css html install#
Install Uncrustify ( uncrustify) by following Install Uncrustify ( uncrustify) with docker pull unibeautify/uncrustify Manually:1. Install Terraform ( terraform) by following
Install Terraform ( terraform) with docker pull hashicorp/terraform Manually:1. Install SassConvert ( sass-convert) by following Install SassConvert ( sass-convert) with docker pull unibeautify/sass-convert Manually:1. Install puppet-lint ( puppet-lint) by following Install puppet-lint ( puppet-lint) with docker pull unibeautify/puppet-lint Manually:1. Install PHPCBF ( phpcbf) with docker pull unibeautify/phpcbf Manually:1. Install PHP-CS-Fixer ( php-cs-fixer) by following Install PHP-CS-Fixer ( php-cs-fixer) with docker pull unibeautify/php-cs-fixer Manually:1. Install ocp-indent ( ocp-indent) by following Install ocp-indent ( ocp-indent) with docker pull unibeautify/ocp-indent Manually:1. Install ocamlformat ( ocamlformat) by following Install goimports ( goimports) by following Install goimports ( goimports) with docker pull unibeautify/goimports Manually:1. Install Rscript ( rscript) with docker pull unibeautify/rscript Manually:1. Install elm-format ( elm-format) by following Install elm-format ( elm-format) with docker pull unibeautify/elm-format Manually:1. Install Crystal ( crystal) with docker pull unibeautify/crystal Manually:1. Install ClangFormat ( clang-format) by following Install ClangFormat ( clang-format) with docker pull unibeautify/clang-format Manually:1. Install beautysh ( beautysh) by following Install beautysh ( beautysh) with docker pull unibeautify/beautysh Manually:1. Install autopep8 ( autopep8) by following. Install autopep8 ( autopep8) with docker pull unibeautify/autopep8 Manually:1. However, other beautifiers are command-line interface (CLI) applications and require you to manually install them. Some of the supported beautifiers are developed for Node.js and are automatically installed when Atom-Beautify is installed.
Atom-Beautify would then communicate with these services, allowing for zero-installation beautification. Uncrustify, PHP-CS-Fixer, and many more).Ī possible solution is a "cloud" service which provides remote access to these beautifiers. Many users are experiencing issues when installing third party beautifiers (e.g. Install Unibeautify CI for GitHub Poll: Improving installation of third-party beautifiers See unibeautify branch for work in progress and Issue #1174. See Anonymous Analytics section of docs for details.Ītom-Beautify is going to be completely rewritten with Unibeautify at its core! If you do not wish to have usage data sent to Google Analytics then please set core.telemetr圜onsent to no or undecided option before using Atom-Beautify. Install Unibeautify CI for GitHub Important Notice: AnalyticsĪtom-Beautify respects the core.telemetr圜onsent configuration option from Atom editor. Or Settings/Preferences ➔ Install ➔ Search for atom-beautify